Welcome to the 2017-2018 School Year!
The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a volunteer group made up of parents and staff who come together to help support the school and enhance experiences our students have while at RMS. Our volunteers and fundraising efforts directly affect the RMS community.The PTO raises funds for
- Assemblies
- Field trips
- Mini Teacher Grants
- 8th grade graduation festivities
- Teacher Appreciation
- Honor Roll Certificates
- Honor's Tea
We would love for you to join us as we strive to do even more for the RMS students this year. We meet once a month, usually the first Wednesday of the month, at 6:30 pm. Our meetings are short and give you the opportunity to get information on PTO and school events directly from the PTO board and RMS administration.
The 2017-2018 meeting dates are
- October 4
- November 1
- December 6
- January 3
- February 7
- March 7
- April 4
- May 2
We hope you can join us!
Membership dollars go along way but do not come close to the amount needed to fund all we set out to do.
Fundraising throughout the year is a necessity. We do not expect our members and non-members to take part in every fundraiser held during the year. The PTO offers different types of fundraising opportunities in hopes to find one or more that is a fit for you.
Click here for more information about the West Point Concession Fundraiser.
Click here to download the PTO membership form
Don't forget to sign up for notifications from this website (look for the box to enter your email either at the upper right side of your screen, or at the bottom if you are on mobile) and to "Like" our Facebook page.
Communication is key!
Don't forget to sign up for notifications from this website (look for the box to enter your email either at the upper right side of your screen, or at the bottom if you are on mobile) and to "Like" our Facebook page.
Looking forward to a fabulous year for our middle-schoolers!
Dottie DiNobile, President
Kim Barna, Vice President
Meg Calvert-Cason, Treasurer
Kelly Ellenwood, Secretary
Kelly Ellenwood, Secretary